Sep 9, 2008

- Sigh -

Life is about making choices, either the good and bad choices.
With all entails it.

And you choose to do one thing that you said very important for your future.

Unfortunately, you are unable to bear the consequences.

Or you don’t feel you are up to face the consequences.  

I know that you think you are more than capable to finish it.
I know that you adore your freedom.
I know that you don’t like the system that tied you and tempt your rebellious nature.

But aren’t we all inside a system?  
Don’t we all have to sacrifice something to achieve what we want?
Aren’t we all need reminders on how fast the time goes by?

I just disappointed of your ignorance on your life course.
Consistency and stability seems don’t have place in your life dictionary.
Or maybe it is my somber personality?

For how long you will stay ignorant?
For how long you will dance around the life just to mock it?

I’m tired of chasing you down when all you want are running away.
You are an adult and I trust you to have your own decision about life.  

The only question is that you willing enough, or it just to make other people happy?

- Just correct me if I’m wrong -


darma mr said...

Life will never end with questions....

Noir - said...

True. But we can only ask and find the answer, rite?

darma mr said...

can you question life?
can life question u?
I'm sick of this life you know...

Noir - said...

Aren't we all always question life? Eventhough life rarely give us the answer we seek. Just let it flow and it is human enough to asking about life.

Cheer up dear ^^

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